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Bobbie the Bridestowe Lavender Bear

“Bobbie”, the iconic microwaveable bear from Bridestowe Estate, was created in 2009 in response to market research which showed there was substantial demand for a novel, lavender and wheat filled heat pack.

Many animals and colours were trialed, but the now famous bear shape and vibrant purple colour came through every time. The design and complexity have evolved over the years with the current model being much more fragrant and durable and washable!

Whilst initial recognition came from Hong Kong, “Bobbie” became a global phenomenon and was presented to the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, during his historic visit to Tasmania 2016.

The image of President Xi and “Bobbie” still resonates today and brings a smile to many of our visitors’ faces. Such was the demand for “Bobbie” after the President’s visit that the bear was trading for more than $1000 on various social media websites.

Many tales have surrounded “Bobbie” including the explosive growth in the fake industry, when copies of “Bobbie” flooded the global market, this was reported widely and made the front page of the Wall Street Journal and BBC News.

“Bobbie” has enjoyed many roles and was the star of the delightful ten short movies “The Adventures of Bobbie the Bear”. “Bobbie” was, for more than two years, Tasmania’s Ambassador for Safe Driving. In June of this year, “Bobbie” will be on display in Parliament House, Canberra, as part of a montage celebrating “Tasmania Month”.

“Bobbie” remains a fundamental part of the very wide product range from Bridestowe Estate, albeit that there are now more than 20 items reflecting his image. All of the famous Bridestowe products are available from selected retailers or from Bridestowe Lavender

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