The Jones family has built a successful business based on sustainable practices, top-notch local produce and consistency.
Cherie Hausler lives between her South Australian base, her Sydney apartment and her business interests in Bangkok. but the Barossa Valley is her home and it’s there that she lives the bucolic dream and recharges her apparently inexhaustible batteries.
Andrew and Maree King have built a very contemporary business on a traditional base in western Queensland.
The old truism that you never know what’s around the corner couldn’t be more apt than it has proven for lavender farmers Robert and Jennifer Ravens.
Tree changers before the expression was invented, Martin and Pam Brook exchanged life in Melbourne for a farm on the NSW North Coast. Along the way they’ve regenerated remnant rainforest, restored the land and created Australia’s most delicious muesli.
Linda and Garry McDouall may have moved off farm, but their busy new town life is more challenging and rewarding than they could possibly have imagined.
Making a tree change — literally — meant a steep learning curve for this gardening novice.
Victorian farmer Cheryl Crosbie believes she is Australia’s only breeder of Gotland sheep. The curly fleece yields a wonderfully soft yarn that is world-renowned by spinners and felters.
A Brisbane building with a rich back story has been given a new lease on life as a cooking school.
James Stein describes his garden in the NSW Blue Mountains as a constantly evolving artwork.
Trevor Hart thinks outside the box. Mal and Margaret Thompson also know a thing or two about problem solving. So it was a marriage of like minds when they joined forces to make cheese.
Butterflies sway, songbirds sing and hedgehogs roam in a bountiful garden in England’s south-west.
When writing is a way of laughing at a situation, the journey through life can go a little bit smoother
Life begins the day you start a garden, says the Chinese proverb. Dennis Roberts’ sprawling Adelaide Hills garden is a testament to that.
Susan Volz’s mission is to solve the disconnection between urban dwellers and food production.